Deluxe Multimedia CD Pack
Deluxe Multimedia CD Pack.iso
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INI File
137 lines
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1 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 1","PMDD 1"
2 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 2","PMDD 2"
3 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 3","PMDD 3"
4 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 4","PMDD 4"
5 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 5","PMDD 5"
6 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 6","PMDD 6"
7 =. ,"IBM OS/2 Printer Driver Diskette 7","PMDD 7"
H =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 10","DISK 10"
I =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 11","DISK 11"
J =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 12","DISK 12"
K =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 13","DISK 13"
L =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 14","DISK 14"
M =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 15","DISK 15"
N =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 16","DISK 16"
O =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 17","DISK 17"
P =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 18","DISK 18"
Q =. ,"IBM OS/2 Diskette 19","DISK 19"
R =. ,"Display Driver Diskette 1","DISP 1"
S =. ,"Display Driver Diskette 2","DISP 2"
T =. ,"Display Driver Diskette 3","DISP 3"
X =., "SiS 6205 Windows 3.1 Driver Disk", diskx
;profile = driver, Description of driver, resolution, 286 grabber, logo code, VDD, 386grabber, ega.sys, logo data, optional work section
S0400600= x:vga800.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 16 Colors Small Font", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle ,
L0400600= x:vga800.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 16 Colors Large Font", "100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle ,
S0400768= x:vga1024.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 16 Colors Small Font", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle ,
L0400768= x:vga1024.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 16 Colors Large Font", "100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle ,
S0401024= x:vga1280.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 16 Colors Small Font", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle ,
L0401024= x:vga1280.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 16 Colors Large Font", "100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle ,
D0800480= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 640x480 256 Colors ", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00480
D0400480= 2:vga.drv, "VGA ", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:*VDDVGA, 2:vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00480
S0800600= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 256 Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00600
L0800600= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 256 Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00600
S0800768= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 256 Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00768
L0800768= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 256 Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00768
S0801024= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 256 Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D01024
L0801024= x:vga256.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 256 Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D01024
D1500480= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 640x480 32K Colors ", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00480
S1500600= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 32K Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00600
L1500600= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 32K Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00600
S1500768= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 32K Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00768
L1500768= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 32K Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00768
S1501024= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 32K Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D01024
L1501024= x:vga32k.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 32K Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D01024
D1600480= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 640x480 64K Colors ", "100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00480
S1600600= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 64K Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00600
L1600600= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 800x600 64K Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00600
S1600768= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 64K Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00768
L1600768= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 1024x768 64K Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D00768
S1601024= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 64K Colors Small Font" ,"100,96,96", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D01024
L1601024= x:vga64k.drv, "SiS 6205 1280x1024 64K Colors Large Font" ,"100,120,120", 2:vgacolor.2gr, 2:vgalogo.lgo, t:vddsis.386, 2:v7vga.3gr,, 3:vgalogo.rle , D01024
D2400480= x:vga16m.drv, "SiS 6205 640x480 16.7M Colors",